

Happy New Year!! I hope everyone has enjoyed the first 6 days of 2009. It is amazing how fast a week can come and go.

I hope you all can forgive me for my recent lack of posting. I was consumed by the insanity of the holidays (actually, I was just trying to edit our Stolpementary). So, it seemed appropriate to me to start this year off writing about my thoughts on time.

At the beginning of every new year we seem to make a new promise to spend more time with God, more time reading our Bibles. We go and buy the newest 15 min with God devotional that comes with the dates already. We buy the Bibles with the "Read the Bible in a Year" Calendars. Now Jan 1 never actually counts as the first day of the year because it is a day with family, a Sabbath day. So we start on the 2nd, we get up a few minutes early and read our 15 min devotional while the coffee brews. Then get out the new journal that a spouse loving purchased and inscribed for us because they support and love all of our best-of-intentions. We read the scriptures for Jan 1 and 2 because we observed the Sabbath. Write a few words about what they mean to us, maybe a question or two to talk to the pastor about.

Skip ahead a few weeks and we have only written in our journals a handful of times. Decided that the weekends were just too difficult, so this will be a commitment we will make on week days. About mid February you have overslept an entire week and the 30 min you had planned to spend with God has become a rush and an "I will get to that".

In my overactive imagination I can picture God, getting up a little early, enjoying his cup of heavenly java while waiting for me to join Him in our quiet place. I wonder how many mornings He has waited on me. I wonder how many times I passed by in my morning rush. I wonder how many more mornings He will wait for me.

Revelations 3:20'Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

I think we make the idea of spending time with God much more difficult than it needs to be. He is there, waiting for us to spend time with Him. We don't need calendars or special devotionals, inscripted journals or the lasted Bible translation. We only need to want to be in relationship. We only need to want it bad enough that it is worth our time.

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