Honoring God & Inspiring Others  


Do you limit yourself? Do you limit your dreams? Are you afraid to begin because you can't see the end?

I do.

Last year I quit smoking. Then, a friend challenged me to run a marathon. A What?!! A marathon, a running race that is 26.2 miles long. In September of last year I started training by walking 20 minutes a day.

Proverbs 16:9
The mind of man plans his way,
But the LORD directs his steps.
In October I ran my first 2 consecutive miles. When I touched the back of my minivan as if to mark the moment, I began to cry. Running isn't that big of a deal but having the idea that I could stick to something without knowing the outcome is. I didn't know I could run two miles.

In November I ran my first race. I got up, I ate my breakfast, I followed my plan and I made it to the starting line. I ran my first 8k, also the first time I ran 5 consecutive miles. I did it 2 minutes a mile faster then I thought I could.

In February I ran my first half-marathon. 13.2 miles. It took me two hours and 25 minutes. I didn't know I could run 13 miles. Again, I cried.

There are things and moments in life that will tell you about yourself. When I run, I am reminded that there is potential in me that I don't know yet. I don't have the courage to start things on my own but sometimes I find myself facing a fear and taking on the challenge. Because of one idea, one challenge I was inspired. I pray that my journey will inspire others. I know I have drawn closer to God in the process. I now can see in many areas of my life where the courage to begin and finding the strength to pursue and endure come from God. The finish line really isn't as important. What I thought would be the finish line in the process has disappeared but the journey will drive me for the rest of my life.

I may not see it and you may not see it in me but God does. I believe that. I believe He sees in me abilities and ideas and concepts that I can't even grasp. When it comes to honoring Him with my life, He is my biggest advocate and the best trainer. It isn't about just living a better life. This life isn't about the beginning or the end, it is about the journey. It is about taking this very moment and pointing it to God and His promises.

Matthew 10:30-32 (amp)
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear not, then; you are of more value than many sparrows.
Therefore, everyone who acknowledges Me before men and confesses Me [out of a state of oneness with Me], I will also acknowledge him before My Father Who is in heaven and confess [that I am abiding in] him.

I will run my marathon this weekend. I don't know if I can run 26.2 miles. I know I have trained. The journey has been amazing. I will be looking to Him in the process.

What calling in your life needs you to get started on journey?

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Child Of The Creator  


God Created Man In His Image.

You and I are a part of God's creative legacy.

Wow, now that is an awesome responsibility....or is it an honor?!!

In the image of our Creator we are given the opportunity to be imaginative. We can take any idea we have and turn it into something real, something tangable. Do you believe you have that ability?

Why do we hold ourselves back? Why do we stop before we even start? Why do we believe only in our own potential and not in the potential God sees in us?

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My Roots Grow Deeper  


A few weeks ago I had the chance to go to Off The Blogs in Atlanta. It was truly an amazing experience. I have to say I didn't know what to expect when I went and many thanks to Farah for joining me in something she really had no interest in to start with.

It was a simple enough concept, get out from behind the computer and meet each other. For real, not the picture that is painted in the few words written about their lives in the weekly blog posts. I went with the hopes of grasping a better understanding of how they create community on their blogs, how to stimulate conversation and build relationships with their readers.

My first impression...WOW!! They had Aaron Keys lead a time of worship. Amazing. Absolutely Amazing. Not only the song choices but his knowledge and passion for the Psalms and God's word. Breathtaking. At one point he read through Isaiah 61, I could have stayed and listened to him read the entire book of Isaiah if he had wanted to.

The event was hosted by Pete Wilson. Carlos Whitaker, Anne Jackson and Jon Acuff each took a time to share a part of themselves. (I highly recommend you check out their blogs.) Here are some of the amazing things I learned:

  • Ground your Identity in Christ and not in the comments, the image or the words.

  • "Fine" is the Christian F word and we need to stop a culture of just being fine.

  • Be transparent. Everyone needs someone to say "me too". People struggle and need to know that they are not alone.

  • Be held Accountable. Place people in your life that will check up on you, love you and be completely honest with you.

  • Give the Gift of Second. Be willing to share your testimony, your story first. Give someone else the courage to tell their story once you have told yours.

Regardless of how any of us choose to respond to God's grace, it all has meaning. It all is a part of a bigger plan. Sometimes we do it imperfectly, sometimes we get it right and loose focus of our purpose. It is always used for His glory.

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